Mission Statement
Evangelism: making disciples of all nations for Jesus Christ (Matthew 28:19-20)
Edification: building mature Christians for effective ministry through worship, education and fellowship (Ephesians 4:11-13)
Proclamation of Liberation: to continue the ministry of deliverance under the guidance of the Holy Spirit to the oppressed (Luke 4:18-19)
In March 1938, the Reverend E. W. D. Morton recognized the need for a Black Baptist Church
to minister to the rapidly growing Black community in Palo Alto, California. After much prayer,
and with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, Reverend Morton, organize a mission in Palo Alto.
The church was organized on January 7, 1945, with Reverend W. C. Sample officiating.
Reverend Withers was called as the first pastor.
Under the leadership of Reverend Withers
, the church purchased its first property, a small building on Emerson Street, in May 1946. The growth
of the church continued under the leadership of Reverend C. L. Morris. The present property, 398 Sheridan
Avenue, was purchased in September 1947. The church moved into its present location on March 16, 1950. Jerusalem
Baptist Church, celebrated 78 years of Christian service on, February 12, 2023. The campus includes sanctuary and
multi-purpose building. Ours is a congregation worshipping with traditional African American heritage in a welcoming
environment for the surrounding diversity of our community.
Due to unforeseen life changes, the
congregation now finds itself seeking a pastor. While we are conducting a search, we are under the guidance of
our Interim Pastor Rev. Robin E. Eldridge.
We invite you to join our services on Sunday at 11:00 a.m.
in person or virtually on YouTube and Facebook.

American Baptist Churches U.S.A. /
Growing Healthy Churches
Bay Area District Association
California State Baptist Convention
National Baptist Convention, U.S.A. Inc.